Monday, 9 January 2012

Tasmania - Day 16 - First day of 2012 in Strahan, overnight Lake Burbury

Ha well... All the Jacks yesterday didn't help me feel very energetic today. I felt a bit hangover and tired having slept late.
I had a bread, salmon and avocado breakfast, but still, feeling a bit low, cursing why did I have to get drunk?
I spent most of the day sleeping in the van in Macquarie Heads campground. Killian was fishing with some other kids on the jetty so he didn't complain too much.
Finally by 3 pm, I decided to move my bum off the bed and cook myself a lunch, slowly.
Then, as the weather was hot, I went for a walk up Ocean Beach, and for a swim too. Water is shallow first, no waves, then suddenly goes deep. The seawater has the colour of the tea, and so is black when deep. This made it scary, like if you were going to enter a world that would swallow you. I was a bit too scared to really have a long swim, but I stayed in the water quite a bit. Water was so warm! Incredible, not even feeling cold at first.
Tiny crabs come and chew at your toes.
It felt beautiful and peaceful, looking at the sky, the water and the sun, thinking I'm there, the first day of the year...
Soon after, I walked back to the camp were I found Killian at the jetty, still playing with the fishing rods and other kids.
I packed up, and around 6 or 7 pm, I moved away from Strahan.
We lost some time getting some food at a fish and chips, the slowest ever, near Strahan waterside.
I thought I would not drive long, but at least take and hour or two off the return drive.
Finally, I stopped past Queenstown, at Burbury's lake.

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